Wachau Bread Pudding

Rating: 3.5214 / 5.00 (117 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour



For the Wachau bread pudding, mix milk with crème fraîche and a pinch of salt in a saucepan, add the vanilla bean and bring everything slowly to the boil while stirring constantly. Strain and let cool briefly. Meanwhile, beat the eggs and sugar in a suitable container with a whisk or mixer until creamy. Then slowly add the vanilla milk, stirring constantly. If desired, strain the mixture through a fine hair sieve and set aside. Cut the French bread into slices about 1 cm thick and spread with a little softened butter. Butter a high-sided, ovenproof mold well and sprinkle in about half of the brandy raisins. Then line the bottom and sides of the mold with slices of bread, sprinkle the remaining raisins on top, and stir the remaining brandy into the milk-egg mixture. Pour over the bread slices. Top with a few flakes of butter. Meanwhile, in the oven preheated to 180 °C, heat about 2 l of water for the water bath and then place the mold in it. (The mold should be in the water up to about 1 cm below the top edge.) After about 45 minutes, remove the pudding from the oven and spread with apricot jam. Sprinkle the Wachau bread pudding with powdered sugar and serve hot.

Preparation Tip:

The Wachau bread pudding can also be topped with candied fruit, such as apricot or orange slices, before baking.

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