Tagliatelle with Mushrooms and Squid

Rating: 4.0 / 5.00 (2 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)


Pasta dough:


A delicious mushroom dish for any occasion!

Separate the tentacles from the head with a sharp kitchen knife just below the eyes so that they remain connected by a narrow ring.

Push out the chews from underneath with your index finger. Pull body pouch off remaining head, pulling chitin piece and giblets out of body pouch. Clean body pouch inside and out under cold running water, removing skin. Cut body pouch in half diagonally.

Heat olive oil (1) in a large, non-stick skillet and toast the men’s rooms mushrooms until golden brown (perhaps in batches). Season with salt and pepper and transfer to a platter.

In the same frying pan, heat the tentacles and pouch pieces of squid in about 200g portions in the olive oil (2), roast at high temperature with some of the garlic for one to two minutes (not longer, otherwise they will be tough). Season with salt and pepper and add to the mushrooms form.

Cook the fresh pasta in boiling salted water for one or two minutes. Pour the pasta into a sieve and drain. Remove the indicated mass from the pasta cooking water.

In the same large pan, heat olive oil (3) and sauté remaining garlic. Deglaze with white wine and pasta water and bring to a boil. Add the squid, pasta, mange tout mushrooms and chopped parsley and mix well. Season vigorously with juice of one lemon, salt and freshly ground pepper.

Serve on pasta plates a

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