Spritzkuchen – Strauben

Rating: 3.0 / 5.00 (2 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 16.0 (servings)




A cake recipe for all foodies:

1. Bring 3/4 liter of water with light butter or possibly salt, butter, vanilla sugar to a boil, prepare choux pastry with flour and eggs. To do this, pour flour into the saucepan all at once, otherwise it will clump. Stir constantly until a dumpling forms and separates from the bottom. A whitish layer will form at the bottom of the pot. Pour the dough into a suitable bowl, fold in first one egg with the dough hooks of the mixer, let it cool a little, then add the remaining eggs one by one. Important: Do not add the next egg until the previous egg has been completely absorbed by the dough. Add only enough eggs until the dough is completely smooth, shiny, and hangs off the spoon in peaks.

2. cut parchment paper into squares, grease. Heat shortening in a large saucepan.

3. place batter in a piping bag with a serrated nozzle and pipe circles about 8 cm in diameter onto the paper pieces.

When the fat reaches 180 degrees, shape the circles in the fat using the pieces of paper. Do not make more than 3 at a time.

Remove with a slotted spoon and drain on paper towels. Mix powdered sugar and juice of one lemon to a thin glaze and brush the slightly cooled kringles with it.

Jörg Weinkauf

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