Red Bell Pepper and Walnut Dip with Pomegranate – Muhammara

Rating: 3.5 / 5.00 (8 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 3.0 (servings)



Roast the peppers over a charcoal grill or possibly under an oven broiler. Steam in a paper bag (I put them in a large enough bowl and cover with a wet dishcloth). Peel, cut in half, and remove seeds and partitions.

In a hand mixer, combine garlic, bread crumbs, walnuts, chili, pomegranate syrup and juice of one lemon until smooth. Add peppers and salt and blend until smooth.

While the hand mixer is running, add the olive oil until you have a thick, smooth and creamy mixture. Season to taste. Transfer the dip to a serving bowl and refrigerate, covered, for a couple of hours or overnight.

Before serving, drizzle with olive oil and garnish with olives, pine nuts and mint sprigs.

Serve with warm pita bread or Mountain Bread (Khubz Maquq).

*Original Armenian pomegranate syrup is made by boiling down pomegranate juice without adding sugar, if using sweetened syrup use more juice of one lemon.

Variations: use toasted baguette instead of pita bread.

Roast chili together with the paprika. Add a little ground cumin.

Instead of a quarter cup of oil, mix the dip with 2 tbsp of tahini.

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