Rabbit Legs with Chestnuts

Rating: 2.0 / 5.00 (3 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 2.0 (servings)



Cut each individual chestnut crosswise with a small, sharp kitchen knife and cook them all in a large saucepan with a lid on top and finger-high boiling hot salted water for about 15 minutes. Depending on the variety and age of the chestnuts, it can also take five minutes longer or possibly shorter, just test a sample chestnut.

At the same time, remove the skin from five shallots, one carrot, one clove of garlic and the small onion. Cut the onion, one clove of garlic into small cubes, the remaining three cloves of garlic are squeezed once with the chef’s knife placed diagonally on top and a careful push of the heel of the hand. They will later go into the casserole whole, just like the shallots. Cut the carrot into thirds diagonally and then into quarters lengthwise. Clean ten mushrooms, cut off half a centimeter at the stem end and quarter the mushrooms.

Season the rabbit legs boldly with salt, season normally with pepper, and sauté leisurely in three tablespoons of olive oil over medium heat until golden brown on both sides.

Then take the legs out, park them on a plate and in the drippings now on low heat brown the diced onion and garlic plus carrot pieces. Until they also have a golden color and are nice and soft, you have to wait about a quarter of an hour, stirring from time to time at most.

Then extinguish the contents of the pot with a small glass of port wine, and remove any roasting residue from the

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