Rabbit in Hyssop Coat with Pumpkin Puree and Pesto

Rating: 3.0 / 5.00 (7 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 2.0 (servings)



1. cut the white and light green part of the spring onions into fine rings and mix with all the herb leaves.

2. rabbit back meat with belly flaps in one piece, without separating them from the bones. Salt and season with pepper. Take off a little more than half of the kitchen herbs. Of this, half on a large sheet of aluminum foil form, put the meat on top, sprinkle with the remaining herbs, roll up and wrap tightly in the foil. Cook in boiling water for 25-30 minutes, depending on the size.

3. soften pumpkin and potato cubes together in clear soup, then pass through a sieve.

4. remaining kitchen herbs with pumpkin seed oil, pumpkin seeds, salt, pepper and a little bit of clear soup briefly, not too finely grind in a hand blender.

5. rabbit saddle from the foil, cut into slices, put each in the middle of the plate. Squirt puree with a piping bag to the left and right of the meat, drizzle with pesto.

Tip: The pumpkin puree tastes more sophisticated when cooked with asparagus broth at asparagus time. If sage and lavender are used, you need half a handful each of parsley and basil in addition.

Our tip: As an alternative to fresh herbs, you can also use frozen ones – these also stand out for their fresh taste!

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