Polenta Pasticciata – Piedmontese Style Polenta Casserole

Rating: 3.0 / 5.00 (3 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



Bring the water to the boil with half of the milk and the salt, add the cornmeal and cook on low heat for an hour, stirring occasionally.

During this time make the sauce and the filling: For the sauce, melt 2/3 of the butter in a small pan, add the flour and stir until lightly browned. Pour in the remaining milk, season heartily with salt, pepper and nutmeg (freshly grated) and continue stirring until you have a thick sauce. Cool this a little, then fold in the egg.

For the filling, chop the onion and saute in the remaining butter for 5 minutes until soft. Cut the pancetta into thin strips, add to the onion and continue to cook for a few minutes.

Grease an ovenproof dish with butter. Form a third of the polenta on the bottom, spread half of the bacon mixture evenly on top and grate half of the cheese on top. Repeat the process and finish with polenta. Pour the sauce over it, sprinkle with the grated parmesan and bake in the oven at 220 °C until a brown crust appears (about 20 min).

(*) Pancetta is air-dried pancetta, available with or without pepper. Another air-dried bacon can be used as a substitute.

Note: The polenta can be precooked. In this case, it is recommended to cool it already in the give to be used and before layering the casserole in 3 on the ste

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