Naked Cake with Oranges and Caramel

Rating: 3.7281 / 5.00 (114 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour

Servings: 1.0 (servings)

For the dough:

For the cream:

For the caramel sauce:


For the Naked Cake with oranges and caramel, first put sugar with water in a small saucepan for the caramel sauce and heat. Let the sugar melt completely and then caramelize. For a lighter caramel sauce, the temperature should reach at least 160 °C, and for a darker one, up to 175 °C. Remove from heat and add hot whipped cream gradually, stirring quickly. Put back on the stove and melt butter in it, stir in a few pinches of fleur de sel.

For the dough, cream the butter with the sugar until fluffy. Add the eggs a little at a time. Add vanilla extract, liqueur and freshly grated orange peel. Sift the flour and mix with baking powder. Gradually add to the egg and butter mixture. It should form a smooth dough.

Divide the dough into thirds and bake individually (or one after the other, if possible) in the baking pans (16 cm diameter) covered with baking paper for about 30 minutes at 160 °C convection oven. Let the sponge bottoms cool on the rack, wrap them in plastic wrap and keep them in the fridge until the cream is ready (at least 2 hours).

For the cream, beat butter, add cream cheese and beat again briefly. Add sifted powdered sugar and finally gently mix in the caramel sauce. Allow the cream to firm up a little in the refrigerator. Then fill into a piping bag with a 14 mm nozzle.

Decorate the cooled bottoms with cream and let it harden once more. Then

Preparation Tip:

Baking tins for the Naked Cake with oranges and caramel alternatively brush thinly with butter and dust with flour, so you get a finer sponge edge.

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