Lucky Pig Cupcakes

Rating: 3.5656 / 5.00 (122 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour

Servings: 12.0 (servings)



For the cupcake base (“sponge”) bake according to the basic recipe. They can be colored as desired or refined with nuts, chocolate & Co. Let cool completely before further processing.

In the meantime, prepare the rolled fondant. Cut out a circle the size of the cupcake from the pink rolled fondant.

For the snout, cut out a smaller circle and round one side with the larger cookie cutter so that it fits the bottom of the large circle. Press in the nostrils. Shape the ears as desired.

For the eyes, cut out small circles from the white rolled fondant.

Cut or cut out a four-leaf clover from the green rolled fondant. Make indentations to better show off the leaves.

Spread jam on cupcake bottoms and place the large rolled fondant circle on top. Use the remaining pieces to assemble the piggy face on top. Place the shamrock to the snout on top of the lucky pig cupcakes.

Preparation Tip:

The rolled fondant on the lucky pig cupcakes sticks best on top of each other with a little water.

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