Crumble Cake with Kriecherln

Rating: 3.7826 / 5.00 (161 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour


For the dough:

For the crumble:


First, prepare the sprinkles. To do this, knead flour, butter, sugar and a pinch of cinnamon with your hands until small lumps form. Knead into a dough, wrap in plastic wrap and place in the refrigerator.

Core the washed Kriecherl with a knife and cut them in half. Butter a 26 cm diameter springform pan and dust with flour (alternatively breadcrumbs or nuts).

For the dough, first separate the eggs. Beat the soft butter, add the sugar and mix the ingredients well.

Then add one egg yolk at a time and continue beating until you have a light-colored mixture.

For the beaten egg whites, put them in a bowl. Beat them until very creamy, add the sugar one spoonful at a time and continue beating until a firm, snow-white mass is formed.

Sift the flour, alternately folding the beaten egg whites and flour gently into the batter.

Pour the finished dough into the springform pan and top with the halved Kriecherln. Remove the crumble dough from the refrigerator and crumble it over the cake.

Bake the cake in a preheated oven (180 °C) for about 50-60 minutes.

Preparation Tip:

You can alternatively use plums instead of Kriecherl for the crumble cake.

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