Chicken Chorizo Salad

Rating: 3.8416 / 5.00 (101 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



For the chicken chorizo salad, mix oil, vinegar, crushed garlic and tarragon. Stir in the shredded chicken breasts and marinate for 30 min.

Preheat the grill. Thread the marinated chicken and chorizo pieces onto soaked wooden skewers and grill for about 10 min or until the meat is cooked.

In the meantime, mix the arugula and tomatoes to make a salad.

Mix the KUNER mayonnaise with the vinegar, season with pepper and mix with the salad.

Remove the chicken and chorizos from the skewers, sprinkle over the salad and serve.

Serve the finished chicken-chorizo salad with bread.

Preparation Tip:

A delicious chicken chorizo salad recipe!

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