Braised Artichoke Hearts with Oranges

Rating: 5.0 / 5.00 (4 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

For 4 people:


Break off the stem base of the artichoke hearts and remove the outer leaves. Cut away the upper half of the artichoke hearts and remove the skin from the artichoke bottoms. Chop all remaining dark green parts from the top of the artichoke hearts. Carefully scrape out the hay with a teaspoon. Rub the bottoms of the artichokes with lemon and mold them on the spot in cold lemon water to prevent them from discoloring. In a heavy frying pan, heat the oil until hot, pour in the onion and artichoke hearts and saute without letting them color. Add garlic, orange slices and the quartered pickled spices, lemons, salt and sugar and the wine. Simmer gently for about 40-60 min (20min for canned artichokes) until the artichoke bottoms begin to soften.

There must always be liquid in the pan! If necessary, add vegetable soup. Finally, add the freshly squeezed orange juice.

Garnish with orange slices.

Tip: Always use aromatic spices to refine your dishes!

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