Boeuf a La Mode – Braised Beef

Rating: 2.0 / 5.00 (3 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



Prepare the pan with onions, bacon slices, lemon, bay spice, carrot, cloves, vinegar, wine, beef broth, bring this to a boil, put in the piece of meat rubbed with salt and pepper, also larded, and let it do it leisurely in the well-sealed cooking pot in about 4 hours until it is tender.

To make the sauce creamy, you can add a crust of bread. It is strained, degreased, seasoned, sour cream mixed. Part of the sauce is poured over the sliced meat, the rest is poured into the sauce bowl.

As an appetizer: Macaroni or potato dumplings

German gauze

Our tip: use a deliciously spicy bacon for a delicious touch!

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