Black and White Pastry – Diabetic

Rating: 4.5 / 5.00 (2 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Light dough:

Dark dough:


Knead all ingredients quickly, but very thoroughly among themselves and put the dough on the spot to cool for at least 30 minutes.

After cooling, roll out the dough thinly. Place two different colored sheets on top of each other and form into a roll. (Makes a nice snail-like pattern.) Cut this roll into slices when well chilled, place on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and bake at medium heat.

To help the two sheets of dough hold together better, brush the bottom one with milk or egg white! You can also form a roll of one color of dough and fold it into a sheet of dough rolled out in a different color. Another possibility would be to cover a plate of dough chessboard-like with long preferably square – bars of light and dark dough and roll them up.

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