Bearsloe Hop Strudel

Rating: 3.2632 / 5.00 (57 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour

Servings: 3.0 (servings)

For the dough:

For the filling:


For the Bearslauchtopfenstrudel, knead the ingredients for the dough thoroughly, preferably with the dough hook of a food processor. Add only enough almond milk to make an elastic, compact dough.

Shape into a ball and let rest in a closed container in the refrigerator for about ½ hour. Preheat the oven to 180 °C top and bottom heat.

Wash the wild garlic and cut into noodles, or chop finely and mix with the curd cheese and about 2/3 of the Parmesan. Again, add only enough almond milk to make a spreadable mixture.

Season to taste with salt. Roll out the dough on baking paper to a rectangle about 3 mm thick, spread with the wild garlic mixture, roll up and place in a loaf pan with the baking paper.

Sprinkle the strudel with the remaining Parmesan and bake for 30-35 minutes until the surface is nicely browned.

Serve the wild garlic strudel with fresh salad.

Preparation Tip:

Outside the wild garlic season, you can prepare the strudel with spinach and garlic. If you don't want almond milk, you can also use another one for the wild garlic strudel.

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