Apple Tart’

Rating: 3.0 / 5.00 (9 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 16.0 (servings)


For garnish:


For the shortcrust pastry, put flour and baking powder in a suitable bowl, spread cold butter in small pieces evenly over it.

Knead together with sugar, eggs and spices until smooth. Refrigerate.

For the sponge, beat egg yolks, water and sugar until creamy and finally fold in snow, flour and cornstarch.

Bake a shortcrust pastry without edges and a sponge pastry in a cake springform pan of 26 cm ø.

After cooling, cut the sponge cake base once.

Spread the short pastry base with jam and place a sponge cake base on top.

Peel the apples, cut them into quarters, remove the core and cut the pieces into slices.

Stew in wine until half soft.

Be careful, this happens very quickly! The apples should not fall apart! Remove the slices, thicken the wine and carefully mix with the apple slices.

Pour onto the cake form.

For the cream filling, mix 2 egg yolks with the sugar until creamy.

Add the water, the juice of one lemon and the zest.

Allow the gelatine to swell and melt.

Add the whole mass to the whipped cream and whip until stiff.

Stir half of the whipped cream and the dissolved gelatine into the cream.

When it starts to stiffen, spread it over the apples.

Place the 2nd sponge cake layer on top.

Decorate the cake with the remaining whipped cream, into which grate a tiny bit of lemon zest and add sugar.

Chill well.

Since the cake is very powerful

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