Alarm Clock Birthday Cake

Rating: 3.1034 / 5.00 (29 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour

Servings: 10.0 (servings)





For the dough of the alarm clock birthday cake: separate the eggs, beat the yolks with the sugar and vanilla sugar until foamy, then beat the snow.

Stir the water into the yolk mixture. Fold in the flour and alternately the snow and pour the mixture into a round cake tin or 2 muffin tins. Bake the sponge cake at 175°C for about 15 minutes.

For the cream of the alarm clock birthday cake: mix the pudding powder with 5 tablespoons of apple juice or milk, boil the rest with vanilla sugar and sugar. Stir in the pudding powder and let it boil. Remove from heat, cool down! Then whip the whipped cream and stir in the QimiQ.

Mix everything into the pudding mixture, season to taste with lemon juice.

Cut the sponge cake base and 2 muffins in half and spread the bottom part of each with apricot jam. Enclose the cake with a cake ring, spread the pudding mixture on top, place the sponge cake lid on top. Chill for a few hours.

To decorate the alarm clock birthday cake: heat a punch glaze. Carefully spread it on the cake and let it cool.

Melt the chocolate and decorate the cake with it (paint the time on). Cover the cupcakes with chocolate and attach to the cake with toothpicks.

Preparation Tip:

For the alarm clock birthday cake can also be taken ready-made muffins or those that are already coated with chocolate.

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