Whole Grain Christmas Stollen

For the yeast dough, pour the milk into a saucepan and let the yeast melt in it. Add the whole wheat flour, almond kernels, spices and salt. Add the egg, honey, curd cheese, lemon zest and rose water and knead all the ingredients together for at least 10 minutes to form a dough. Leave the … Read more

Egg Salad 2

Remove the shell from the eggs and chop them coarsely. Cut the ham into noodles. Drain the asparagus pieces, as well as the peas. Cut the cheese into cubes. Mix everything carefully. Season lightly with salt and season with pepper. Mix the mayo sufficiently with chopped chives and parsley, dilute in case necessary and season … Read more

Bean Stew with Lamb

Perhaps your new favorite bean dish: Peel and finely chop onions and garlic cloves. Cut lamb into small cubes. Fry in hot sunflower oil or other vegetable oil. Add garlic and onions and fry briefly. Season with pepper and add water. Pour in stock cube and let it melt. Let the mixture boil. In the … Read more

Curd Cheese Cake

For the curd cheese cake, cream butter, yolks and sugar. Add the curd cheese and mix until a creamy mixture is formed. Add the cinnamon, lemon juice, grated lemon zest and rum to the mixture. Mix the flour and baking powder and gently fold into the mixture. Beat the egg whites until stiff and fold … Read more

Wild Boar Fricadelle with Homemade Chili Mustard

1. apricots, capers, boar meat, raisins through a meat grinder. Stir with mustard and aquavit until homogeneous. Season with salt and pepper and form into 4 small, slightly flattened meat loaves. Leave to cool for approx. 30 min. Preheat oven to 220 degrees. Fry the meat loafs in a frying pan in hot oil on … Read more

Beef Roulades

Cut the bacon, sausage, onion, pickles and carrot into small pieces and fry them in a frying pan with a little light butter. In the meantime, pat the cutlets, would with salt and pepper and spread one side narrow with mustard. Spread the stuffing evenly on the four cutlets, roll up the cutlets and attach … Read more

Banana Ginger Jam

For the banana-ginger jam, first peel the lemons, remove the white skin as well, cut out the fillets and weigh out 75 g. Peel the ginger, chop very finely and weigh out 25 g. Peel the bananas, cut them into small pieces and weigh out 900g. Put everything in a pot. Mix sugar with jelling … Read more

Porridge with Banana Pieces

For porridge with banana pieces, cut the banana in half lengthwise and slice. Heat the milk and water in a saucepan, stir in the rolled oats and bring to the boil, stirring constantly. Stir in the banana slices and let swell for about 5 minutes. Stir in the grated walnuts, honey, cinnamon and vanilla powder … Read more

Waffles with Maple Syrup

For the waffles, sift the flour with the baking powder into a large enough bowl and mix with the salt and sugar. Mix the eggs. Mix the butter with the milk, the whipped cream and the eggs. Pour the flour into the egg mixture and mix with an electric hand mixer until smooth. If the … Read more