Neuchâtel Cheese Fondue

Boil white wine in fondue pot. Squeeze garlic and add to white wine form together with flour. Bring to a boil and thicken. Add grated cheese and stir until melted. Season to taste with salt and freshly ground pepper. Finally, add the kirsch and make repeatedly for one minute. Serve the fondue on a teapot … Read more

Bearsloe Hop Strudel

For the Bearslauchtopfenstrudel, knead the ingredients for the dough thoroughly, preferably with the dough hook of a food processor. Add only enough almond milk to make an elastic, compact dough. Shape into a ball and let rest in a closed container in the refrigerator for about ½ hour. Preheat the oven to 180 °C top … Read more

Fried Bamboo Shoots with Egg

Fried bamboo shoots with egg Pad Nohmay Sei Khai Preparation about 25 min Rinse and drain bamboo shoots. Cut scallions into pieces about 2 cm long, chop garlic clove. Heat oil in frying pan or wok and sauté garlic. Add fish sauce, bamboo, onions, oyster sauce and sugar and fry everything together briefly. Move everything … Read more

Coconut Lime Tree

A great cake recipe for any occasion: Knead together lime zest, flour, shredded coconut, cool fat, egg and sugar until smooth. Wrap in plastic wrap and chill for 20 min. Heat electric stove to 200 °C. Roll out dough on floured work surface to a thickness of approx. 3 mm. Cut out fir trees. Place … Read more

Pear Head

Stir sugar with vanilla, water (1), white wine and port wine in a frying pan, bring to the boil. Cut out balls from the pears with a small ball cutter, shape into the liquid, simmer with closed lid over medium heat for five minutes until just tender. Remove, cool. Pour the hot liquid through a … Read more

Meat Pancakes

Try this delicious pasta dish: Prepare a dough from the ingredients for the pancakes and swell for about 1/2 hr. In a frying pan, sauté onion and parsley in butter until translucent, add meat and sauté lightly, turning frequently. Dust with flour and pour in the clear soup, boil gently for about a quarter of … Read more

Culled Ceviche with Dill Yogurt and Pepper Sticks

For smoked ceviche with dill yogurt and pepper sticks, first soak gelatin in cold water for 10 minutes, squeeze out and set aside. Remove skin and bones from fish and cut into bite-sized pieces. Mix lemon and lime juice with brown sugar, finely chopped chili and garlic, salt and olive oil. Cover and marinate the … Read more

Fennel Compote

Peel the fennel and cut into short strips. Cook them with sugar to taste in orange juice until soft. Add lemon juice and orange zest. Mix starch flour with a little water, stir in and use to lightly thicken the compote.

Pasta Siciliana

For the Pasta Siciliana, first peel and dice the onion and sauté in olive oil. Cook the pasta of your choice according to package instructions until al dente. Squeeze the garlic to the onions and add the anchovy fillets to the pan as well. Add the tomatoes, capers and olives one by one, stirring constantly … Read more